Happy Doc Student Podcast

From Overwhelm to Ownership with Dr. Tarryn Hoff

Heather Frederick, PhD Episode 130

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In episode #130 I hang out with Dr. Tarryn Hoff. Tarryn holds a PhD in  Performance Psychology and is an adjunct doctoral Chair at UAGC & Grand Canyon University as well as running two personal training brands: GoTarryn & Peachtree City Personal Training.


  • Self-Determination Theory (SDT) can help you make sense of your world
  • We have three basic human needs - all of which are challenged during the doctoral journey 
    • Autonomy - having independence 
    • Competence - mastery over your environment 
    • Relatedness - relationship with others
  • If you are feeling overwhelmed, pause and ask if one of your basic needs is being thwarted and if it is, ask yourself what you can do to resolve that (e.g., call a friend, talk with your Chair about how to implement the feedback you just received, take a course on the research method you plan to use, etc.)
  • Own your research. This takes time - plan for 15-20 hours/week when you are cognitively on top of your game
  • Remember that only an estimated 2-3% of the population hold a doctoral degree (it's not going to be easy)
  • It will take sacrifice (and if you decide other things are more important than your degree - that's OK!  Check out this episode: The Good Goodbye: How to End Your Doctoral Journey with Grace & Ease, with Dr. Gladys Ato)
  • Embrace SMART goals
  • Find a tribe (see episodes below for tips)
  • Utilize the power of accountability 

"It's your time, it's your investment, and it's your life."

Related Episodes
 Learn about the 1-page alignment worksheet here: The Best Dissertation is a DONE Dissertation with Dr. Melanie Shaw
The 4 H's of Doctoral Success with Dr. Todd Fiore
The Dissertation Shift with Dr. Todd Fiore
The Doc Journey: Things You Need to Know (that they probably won't tell you)
 Doctoral Journey: Building a Community of Support
Reality Check: Is a Doc Program for You? with Jamie Hillman
When You Want to Quit with Dr. Jodie Hemerda

Connect with Tarryn

Check out Tarryn's  Journal Article

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