Happy Doc Student Podcast

3 Questions That Will Improve Your Writing with Catie Phares, MA

Heather Frederick, PhD Episode 115

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#115 Catie is the founder and head editor of CS Phares, a company dedicated to helping academics turn their research into engaging content. 


1.    Engaging writing is valuable currency!

2.    Story telling is having a renaissance – it is a way to engage your audience so that your ideas can get out there (everyone loves a story)

3.    Academics aren’t taught how to use storytelling to present their research (straight facts are not memorable)

4.    If you are struggling with making your ideas clear to your reader, talk about it (record yourself or talk to someone who isn’t an expert in your area and have a chat with them)

5.    Answer, in one sentence: What are you saying? 

6.    Answer, in one sentence: Why say this at all?

7.    Answer, in one sentence: What is the danger if no one ever says this? 

8.    Catie’s download will help your writing FLOW via LINKS (get it ASAP: https://www.csphares.com/)

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FREE DOWNLOAD: https://www.csphares.com/


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