Happy Doc Student Podcast

Increase Your Productivity and Decrease Stress with Dr. Frank Buck

Heather Frederick, PhD Episode 87

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Dr. Frank Buck is a retired school administrator, productivity speaker, writer, and coach. His dream for you is to make organization easy so you can increase productivity, decrease stress, and yes, even enjoy life! Frank has been ranked #1 in the world in the "Time Management" category by Global Guru’s every year since 2019. 

Frank’s dissertation was on time management, and on this episode he shares actionable strategies that helped make his journey enjoyable.


·      Find out who has the answers to your questions and ask for their help

·      When researching doctoral programs, reach out and talk to someone in that program (faculty, administrator, etc.)

·      Develop a network that will support you through your journey and after

·      Choose your general topic EARLY! This is a huge time-saving hack. This episode will help: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1547113/9065397

·      Use every paper you write to bring you closer to being an expert on your topic

·      Listen to the guidance from your faculty (they are there to HELP you)

·      Use your peers to brainstorm ideas (science does not happen in a vacuum)

·      Take initiative! You are the CEO of your education

·      Communicate, communicate, communicate

·      Be aware of IRB issues early on

·      Don’t be just open to feedback, seek it out!

·      Remember: A dissertation/doctoral project is a DEMONSTRATION project that must meet your university’s requirements; not your life’s work 

·      Productivity hacks: Batch items, check out Remember the Milk, use something like Evernote (or something similar) to organize your sources, tickler file, etc. 

·      Think about the big things so that all the small things go in the right direction 

Connect with Frank

Frank’s website: https://FrankBuck.org  (sign up for his valuable email list and get two free gifts)

Get his new book: Get Organized Digitally!  https://amzn.to/39Usndd

@DrFrankBuck on both Twitter and Instagram

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drfrankbuck/



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