Happy Doc Student Podcast

Are You HyperCompetent? with Debra Woog, MBA

Heather Frederick, PhD Episode 66

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Are you HyperCompetent? Take the assessment here: https://connecttwo.outgrow.us/HC

Are you too good at getting things done for your own good?  

Working harder does not mean working smarter!

Do you feel like working so much is getting in your way of experiencing joy? 


1.     You can never get everything done - staying in a hypercompetent mode will result in you getting less and less done (you know it is true!)

2.     Possible driving factors: 

  • Do you feel like you aren’t enough and so perhaps working so hard to overcome this feeling?
  •  Were you raised by a narcissist? 
  •  Do you work to numb out?

3.     Balance is elusive – it’s ok to be ok with just doing your best!

4.     Can you let things go? Can you delegate?

5.     Give from the saucer, not the cup!

6.     Make a plan to have no plan and take the Creative Renewal challenge: Can you commit to do nothing for an hour each week?

7.     When you have the “I-don’t-wannas” it is a sign your cup is empty – stop and fill up your cup.

Debra Woog obtained her MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management. She is a Crisis Navigation Partner™ with over 30 years of experience as a leadership researcher, executive, and advisor. The Boston Globe profiled Debra for her outstanding abilities to select talented candidates, motivate and develop employees, and resolve conflicts between people as well as between organizations. Her work has been featured in publications like Forbes, Inc. and U.S. News & World Report.

Episode #55: The 3 C’s of Navigating Crisis with Debra Woog, MBA https://www.buzzsprout.com/1547113/9545566

Connect with Debra 




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